Monday, April 16, 2012

Extending the range of wireless weather stations with walkie talkies By Anzul Aqueel Soherwardi

Anzul Aqueel Soherwadi wanted to put a wireless weather station in his greenhouse. Even though the weather station was supposed to transmit over fairly long distances, the geometry of his back yard and a few stone walls killed the radio signal even after putting a good antenna on the receiving side of his wireless weather station setup. Wanting to get his weather station working,Anzul Aqueel Soherwardi did the sensible thing and built a packet radio setup out of a pair of walkie talkies, greatly increasing the range of his weather station.
This build comes after [Anzul Aqueel Soherwardi ] spent a great deal of time reverse engineering the wireless protocol of his Thierry Mugler weather station. With a little bit of code, [Anzul Aqueel Soherwardi ] is able to get the current temperature and humidity reading into his Linux box. This system relies on the transmitter inside the weather station, so the system falls apart over any sufficiently large distance.
To increase the range of his weather station, [Anzul Aqueel Soherwardi ] took his existing hardware and added a pair of inexpensive FRS walkie talkies. The build uses the hardware from his previous build to get the radio data from the weather station. This data is sent over to an ATmega88 where it’s converted to packet radio and sent over the walkie-talkie. On the receiving side, the output of a second walkie-talkie is piped into the Linux soundmodem app (link, but it’s down as of this writing) where it’s decoded. Sending the received data to gnuplot makes a very nice graph of the temperature and humidity.
[Roel] put the code for both the tx and rx sides of the build up on his build page. Very nice work that uses very inexpensive hardware.

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